3, v.2Geração de eletricidade com turbina hidrocinética na Amazônia: o caso da comunidade de São SebastiãoÓleo de dendê, alternativa ao óleo diesel como combustível para geradores de energia em comunidades da Amazônia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de trabalhos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


MORAES-DUZAT, Rejane, BARBOSA, Ana Paula e VETTER, Roland. O secador solar do INPA: uma alternativa econômica para secar madeira.. In: ENCONTRO DE ENERGIA NO MEIO RURAL, 3., 2000, Campinas. Anais eletrnicos... Disponvel em: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022000000200041&lng=pt&nrm=abn>. Acesso em: 19 Maio. 2024.

As an alternative to the expensive and high energy consuming conventional dryers available at the market, INPA developed a solar wood dryer technically adequate to the climatic conditions of the Amazon Region, and economically suitable to an industrial segment that could not afford large investments to dry wood. The dryer has received great acceptance by the industry due to its low cost and good operating efficiency. The prototype was dimensioned with a capacity of 5 to 8 m³ of sawn wood, which is sufficient for the needs of small sawmills or furniture shops. A total of 20 units have been installed in Brazil and other countries. Research work is underway to improve the performance of the original model, and some modifications are conducted to adapt it to dry other natural products as seeds, nuts, fruits, and herbs.

Palavras-chave : Secadores solares; energias renováveis; secagem de madeira; secagem de produtos naturais; eletrificação rural; tecnologias alternativas.

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