Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
SERPA, Paulo and ZILLES, Roberto. Avaliação da difusão de sistemas fotovoltaicos domiciliares em comunidades tradicionais. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 08 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
This work introduces, in the users perspective, a diffusion evaluation of Solar Home System's SFD's" at Lagamar area, and has as reference three programs of rural electrification: The ECOWATT program, developed by CESP at Ilha do Cardoso State Park; The COPEL program developed by Campanhia Paranaense de Eletricidade at Barra do Ararapira community and AEDENAT program, developed by Instituto de Eletrotécnica e Energia/USP with Spanish Cooperation as partnership in two rural communities at Cananéia (SP). This evaluation development related to the user extent satisfaction helped the assessment beginning with relevant attributes, the importance of these three photovoltaic diffusion programs of electrification in isolated traditional rural communities.
Keywords : Sistemas Fotovoltaicos; Difusão de tecnologia; Comunidades Tradicionais; Energização Rural.