4, v.1Biodigestores associados a sistema de cogeração para o aproveitamento do biogás produzido a partir de resíduos de suinoculturaBiodigestores rurais: modelo indiano, chinês e batelada author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


ANDRADE, Marcio Antonio Nogueira, RANZI, Tiago Juruá Damo, MUNIZ, Rafael Ninno et al. Biodigestores rurais no contexto da atual crise de energia elétrica brasileira e na perspectiva da sustentabilidade ambiental. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 06 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022002000100030&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

Starting from the context of the actual Brazilian energy crisis, it is proposed the use of rural biodigestors technology as an appropriate and simplified alternative that can contribute to the sustainable development of the rural environment, promoting its sanitation, preventing the pollution and conserving the hydric resources, which are finite and vulnerable. The biodigestors also promote an autonomous supply of energy and biofertilizer, especially for the small rural producers. Therefore, the biodigestors can convert animal dejection, from a problem to a benefit. This technology enables an adequate treatment of various agricultural organic wastes, as well as the energetic use of the methane gas, which global warming potential is 21 times higher than the carbonic gas. The potential use of the biodigestors is justified mainly based on: energetic, economic, environmental, social and political aspects. The great territorial extension of Brazil makes it difficult to implant transport and energy transmission systems, which favors the adoption of local solutions for the suppliment of energy and fertilizers. This work discusses the reasons that led to a low dissemination of this technology in Brazil and suggests some alternatives for the implantation of biodigestors. The main conclusion is that the technology of rural biodigestors is appropriate for the small producers, presents technical, economic and environmental viability, and provides greater autonomy of energy and biofertilizer. Besides being well adapted to the Brazil's climatic conditions, it contributes to the minimization of the environmental impacts from agricultural activities.

Keywords : Biodigestor rural; energia alternativa; biogás; sustentabilidade ambiental.

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