Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
JORDAN, Rodrigo Aparecido, CORTEZ, Luís Augusto Barbosa, NEVES FILHO, Lincoln de Camargo et al. Desenvolvimento de uma bomba de calor água-água acionada a biogás para utilização em processos de aquecimento e resfriamento em laticínios visando a racionalização de energia no nível de produção leiteira. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 10 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
It is big the waste in the use of the energy. A factor that contributes sensibly to increase this problem is related with the direct use of the electricity for heating of water in processes. In a large part of the industry milkmaid, the problem he/she repeats, in most of the cases, if being about small units, the form used " to produce " heat is through the use of called provided tanks of eletric the processing costs and the waste of energy they increase, therefore, the equipments that use electric current directly for heating of water they possess an efficiency very low exergetic. The subject then goes back to the development of an equipment that uses the electric energy rationally. Not very known in Brazil, the bombs of heat are used in the heating of residences and industrial processes in developed countries. They are very efficient equipments, could generate an effect 3 to 5 times superior the used electric energy. This project search the development of a bomb of heat type water-water worked with biogás, coming of the digestion without air of bovine manure, for cooling of milk and heating of water used in the cleaning and disinfection of equipments and facilities of it milks, seeking the efficiency of the use of the electric energy in property milkmaid's level.
Keywords : Bomba de calor; refrigeração; economia de energia; aquecimento; biogás.