Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
COBAS, Vladimir Rafael Melián and LORA, Electo Silva. Geração de eletricidade a partir da biomassa com tecnologias avançadas de geração distribuída. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 17 January 2025]. Available from: <> .
The present work shows a techno-economical evaluation of three technologies: Micoturbines, Stirling Engines and Fuel Cells, for small scale electricity generation. The three technologies have the capacity to operate with different fuels, included the renewable ones, as it is the case of the biomass, these technologies are considered will have a significant importance in the actual change in power generation (Distributed Generation). The analyzes limits to show a comparison among these technologies seeking it use in isolated areas where, because of the small load density or for the physical location, it is unfeasible the electrical network and, on the other hand, an avaliability of Biomass to feed the consumption of these units exist. These requirements exist in great part of the places of the north area of Brazil that today are assisted by diesel plants subsidized by the CCC or still without electric power. The work also display the principal characteristics of these technologies and it barriers and advantages to enter in the energy market.
Keywords : Geração de eletricidade; Biomassa; Novas Tecnologias.