Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
SOUSA, Vicente Jessé de, SOUZA, Teófilo Miguel de and CASTRO, José Nédilo Carrinho de. Levantamento de micropotenciais hidráulicos para geração de energia elétrica e acionamento mecânico de máquinas da região de Cunha - SP. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 08 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
The work has the purpose of knowing the main components of a Microcentral Hydroelectric, it is characterization and possibilitu of instalation, completed with the study about potencially of energetics recourses at Cunha city. The region of cunha, in the State of São Paulo, wich in Alto Paraíba, betwen the serras do Mar, Bocaina e Quebra - Cangalha. This region is excepcionally favourable for small water way, that supplies the afluent that appendage the Bacia Hidrography of Paraíba do Sul river. With this topography it is possible to make eletric energy trough the implantation of Microcentral Hidroelectric that uses a Pelton kind turbine and a permanent loadstone generator. This Microcentrals can have power small down 100KW, that are sufficient to provide eletric energi for ilumination and eletrodomestics. In order to know the useful hydraulic powre of each property teh useful waterfall height has been determinated and discharge in m3 /s . the electric power value was coherent writh the parameters of a microcentral. Besides, basead in vertical height, the tubulation, the discharge and the distance until center of consumption are factors wich determinate the civil, mechanical, eletric components that would be used (foodgate, tubulation, turbine, genaration, transmisson line, etc) and the total cost of instalation Observe that yours components are actually acquisition easy, and the possibility of many kinds and quality in all setor ( mechanical, civil, eletric - eletronic).
Keywords : Microcentrais; Hidrelétricas; conforto; economia; Área Rural.