Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
OMETTO, Aldo Roberto, RAMOS, Pedro A.R., LOMBARDI, Geraldo et al. Mini-usinas de álcool integradas (MUAI): avaliação emergética. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 10 September 2024]. Available from: <> .
The Integrated Mini Alcohol Industry (IMAI)is an agro-industry which products are alcohol, electricity and food for 18.000 habitants. The sugar cane and sweet sorghum are the primers inputs for the production of 40.000l/dday of alcohol and 7,13 MW of electricity, besides the longer operation period of 10 months per year. The productivity is around 630 t of sugar cane or sweet sorghum per day. On the sweet sorghum area, at the eight months between the harvest and the plantation, there are crops and vegetables. There are, also, cattle for milk and meat production. The total area of IMAI is 4.360 ha including the rural and industry area. The IMAI's concept is the maximum environmental and social efficiency, which includes not burn the plantations. The vinasse is treated in an anaerobic process, resulting in an good fertilizer mixed with the cattle's excrements. The IMAI project may be a way to economic development, fixing population with the environmental patterns of the sustainable development.
Keywords : cana-de-açúcar; energia; mini usinas; qualidade ambiental; sustentabilidade; qualidade social.