Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
OLIVA, Carlos Alberto, SOUZA, Juliano, SOUZA, Samuel Nelson Melegari de et al. Potencial de conservação de energia nos processos de produção em uma propriedade rural. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 08 September 2024]. Available from: <> .
The energy efficiency comes as one of the central topics for the conservation of energy, being constituted in a variable resulting from the interaction of several factors economical, political and social. For quite so, she is influenced directly by structural changes in the economy characterized by alterations in the technological patterns and in the energy content of the productive system as a whole. Besides, factors as the rational use of the energy, the available sources of energy, consumption habits and standard of living of the populations also produce alterations in the levels of energy efficiency. The analysis of the energy efficiency allows the study of the evolution of the demand and supply of energy, of the consumption habits and of the alterations made in the economy and in the society. In the state of Paraná, the way rural own 31,3% of the transformers of the company of energy of the state that corresponds to 21,8% of the installed potency. And the consumption of energy of the rural area corresponds to 7,70%. Due to the reduction of the prices of the current agricultural commodites of a market more and more globally, the farmer has as only option to the reduction of the production costs, an alternative would be the reduction of the use of such inputs as the energy. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the consumption of energy regarding driving force used in a property, through the use of the available biogas in the property.
Keywords : Biogás; coogeração; suinocultura.