Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
SOUZA, Teófilo M. de and BIANCHI, Inácio. Software para dimensionamento de bancos de capacitores para correção do fator de potência. In Procedings of the 4th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2002, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2002 [cited 10 September 2024]. Available from: <> .
The use of automatic or fixed capacitors banks increases the electrical energy system capacity, minimizes voltage drops and eliminates electrical bill power factor penalties. The power companies require of reactive energy consumers to maintain at least a 92% power factor, in accordance with the 1569 DNAEE Edict of December 12 1993 (DNAEE, 1993) effective from April 1994 to November 2000, when the ANEEL Resolution n° 456 became effective (ANEEL, 2000). Software ALTOFP allows the determination of the power factor correction capacitors banks and calculation of the active power released to the system. It was developed to be running in any PC compatible microcomputer. The inputs are the following data: single-phase or three-phase system, line voltage U, frequency f, last values of active and reactive energy, and the desired new power factor cosΦ2. In the calculation block are determined the average of active, reactive, apparent power before and after the power factor correction. The current and the percentage of active power released to the system after the capacitors banks installation are calculated to. The output block generates an archive composed by the input data, the results of all the calculations and the capacitors specification. The software revealed easy to handle. Demanding minimum computational resources, it is a low-cost tool useful for all those that specify, sail, acquire or install power factor correction capacitors.
Keywords : Correção de fator de potência; potência ativa; potência reativa; potência aparente; banco automático de capacitores; multa por baixo fator de potência.