Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
MARCON, Rogério Olavo, ZUKOWSKI JUNIOR, Joel Carlos and CAVALCANTE, Italo Ricardo Lopes. Analiação de planta térmica com biomassa (briquete de casca de arroz): caso real "Fazenda Experimental do Centro Universitário Luterano de Palmas". In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 15 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
The panorama established in the current scenery signals that the sources of energy renewed they should assume growing paper in the world energy head office, forced by the perspective of reduction of the reservations of fossil fuels and, more and more, for environmental subjects. Among the countless sources you renewed of energy, the biomass is shown as an alternative one quite promising, among the energy of the win and solar. In this context the use of alternative sources of energy, in particular the biomass (residues of cane of sugar and of wood, besides the peel of rice), they appear as an opportunity of private importance to collaborate in the offer of energy of the interlinked system of Brazil, in the form of decentralized generation and close to the consumption points, through equipments and national fuel (example process residues); advantages these that, formed an alliance thoroughly with the environmental benefits known, they do with that the biomass is a strategic option for the country, that only depends on politics adapted for its situation. On the other hand, areas still exist in Brazil, specifically in the North area, that they don't belong to the Interlinked System, with generation exclusively based on oil diesel, what corresponds to an important the bottom net in our energy head office. Brazil, besides importer of gross petroleum to refine, it is forced to import oil pure diesel to guarantee the offer of this fuel. In the last ten years the import of oil pure diesel increased ten times data of ANP approximately ( Besides this subject of the import of the diesel and of the emissions current west of its use, such as: oxides of sulfur, material powder and gases of effect stove, among other, the generation in the Isolated Systems with motors diesel (largely old and inefficient) it is based on the subsidies of the Bill Consumption of Fuel (CCC), that pays an additional of US$ 100 for MWh generated in this alternative system. The conventional options for substitution of these motors to diesel depend on investments elevated in transport systems and distribution of the natural gas a substitute of smaller impact to the oil, and still the environmental impacts caused by the gas pipe line construction through the Amazon forest. In this context, the biomass use produced locally (or generated, as residues) in the communities for production of energy appears as a viable and maintainable possibility for this model. Vegetable oils in adapted motors diesel and agricultural residues as fuel in systems of generation of small load come as possible technological alternatives and, now, viable economically, in function of the use of CCC for energy renewed - what became possible for the recent regulation of ANEEL. It is worth to stand out that the different sceneries presented in the regions of the country influence directly in the parameters of use of the biomass as energy. In a general way, the biomass like this maid perfectly in the concept of the maintainable development, because it allows the creation of employments in the area, economic activities, it reduces the relative costs to the distribution and transmission of the generated energy and, when used in a maintainable way, it presents null the emissions of carbon, not attacking, in this way, the environment. However, it is known that the economic viability of a generation project depends, in first place of the characteristics of the own unit, of the tariff of electric energy and of the cost of the fuel for the consumer. Specifically, the viability of each installation is determined in the conceptual project where he/she takes place the cash flow study and of the cost of the energy for modality of fuel. The economic evaluation of a project consists of pondering the factors that involve the taking of decision, with larger success probability in the development of an investment project. After the decision of execution of a project, defined its characteristics, its implementation place, the equipments, the labor and necessary materials, it is necessary to calculate all the involved costs and which will be the necessary investment. The success of any project goes by one it analyzes the most exact possible of the whole necessary investment to the implementation, from investment in lands, constructions, equipment, expenses with personnel in the production and maintenance, to the administration of the project, etc., as well as the determination of its profitability or its " profit ". After these calculations, it will be necessary to verify investment alternatives that become more advantageous in investment terms and its return exist, that it is necessary to do the comparison of alternatives.