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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


PIMENTEL, Valéria Said de Barros, BELCHIOR, Carlos Rodrigues Pereira and PEREIRA, Pedro Paulo. Avaliação experimental do desempenho e emissões de motores diesel usando misturas de óleo de mamona e óleo diesel. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 09 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022004000100027&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

This work refers to the experimental evaluation of diesel generators operating with blend of crude castor oil and diesel. Performance and emissions tests were accomplished in a diesel engine of direct injection. Because of the high viscosity of the blend a device was installed on the engine in order to lower the blend viscosity. A comprehensive analysis of the results obtained in these tests indicates the possibility of use of the blend of castor oil and diesel as fuel for diesel-generators, with modifications introduced in the engines.

Keywords : Óleo vegetal; combustível alternativo; óleo de mamona; diesel gerador.

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