Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
CHOHFI, Felipe Moreton, DUPAS, Francisco Antonio and LORA, Electo Eduardo Silva. Balanço, análise de emissão e seqüestro de CO2 na geração de eletricidade excedente no setor sucro-alcooleiro. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 14 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
In recent years, research activities regarding the global environmental impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have been intensified. The carbon market aims to minimize the emissions of this dangerous gas as it allows incentives for developed and developing countries to be stimulated not to adjust to a high carbon dioxide energy matrix. This work studies the carbon dioxide emissions and capture mass balance in the sugar and alcohol sector. Through a life cycle analysis methodology of surplus electricity production the CO2 balance is calculated. The results obtained show that 145,3 tons CO2/hectare are sequestered during sugarcane cultivation and 111,5 tons CO2/hectare are emitted for electricity production, resulting in a viable capture balance scenario of 33,8 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare of plantation in one life cycle of surplus electricity production that is supplied to the electricity distribution companies. The life cycle analysis of the cultivation of sugarcane biomass for surplus electricity production allowed a high value to be obtained for the CO2 absorption figure. If compared with other forms of electricity generation, the energy produced in sugar mills presents the lowest values of carbon dioxide emissions of all the other forms of electricity production.
Keywords : Emissão e seqüestro de CO2; Efeito Estufa; Cogeração; Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo.