Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
JORDAN, Rodrigo Aparecido, CORTEZ, Luís Augusto Barbosa, BALDASSIN JUNIOR, Ricardo et al. Bomba de calor água-água acionada a biogás para aquecimento e resfriamento em fazendas leiteiras visando a racionalização no uso da energia elétrica. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 14 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
This work presents some preliminary results for the development of a water-to-water heat pump used dairy farms for simultaneous milk cooling and water heating. The general idea in this project is to eliminate the electric heater and use the heating effect, usually wasted, in existing refrigeration systems. In this project it was also studied the use of the dairy cows for biogas production. The generated biogas is to be used to fuel an Otto engine which will power in substitution of the electric energy. Usually, dairy farms, electric energy is intensely used in the generation of thermal energy for milk cooling to extend its shelf life, and water heating used in the pasteurization, cleaning and equipment disinfection and working rooms. The direct use of electric energy results in high energy costs representing a major concern nowadays in Brazil. Therefore, it is expected with this work, to develop an equipment that contributes to the most efficient use of the energy and also, to look for a more efficient use of energy in dairy farms, increasing its self-sufficiency, with the production and use of the biogas to meet all thermal energy requirements. The results here obtained show an economic viability for use of the proposed equipment.
Keywords : Aquecimento; Resfriamento; Bombas de calor; Energia elétrica; Eficiência.