Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
PEREZ, Juan Miguel Mesa, CORTEZ, Luis Augusto Barbosa, GOMEZ, Edgardo Olivares et al. Características dos finos de carvão vegetal obtido pelo processo de pirólise rápida de capim elefante em leito fluidizado em diferentes condições de operação. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 09 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
This paper presents a study about the effect of excess air and the inert fixed bed height upon the characteristics of fine charcoal particles and the main reactor parameters. The pyrolysis process is considered as a method to concentrate carbon in fine charcoal particles and a method to reduce oxygen content in the biomass.The study concludes that the operation point which gives the highest percentage if carbon fine charcoal particles and reduces the most the oxygen in biomass corresponds to a fixed bed height of 207 mm and excess air of 8%.
Keywords : Pirólise; biomassa; carvão; bio-óleo.