5, v.1Estudo estatístico de radiação solar visando o projeto de unidades de dessalinização acionadas por painéis fotovoltaicos sem bateriasExternalidades associadas à geração distribuída de energia elétrica a partir de biomassa na indústria sucroalcooleira author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


GIMENES, André Luiz Veiga, UDAETA, Miguel Edgar Morales, BURANI, Geraldo Francisco et al. Estudos iniciais de planejamento integrado de recursos para a RDSM. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 14 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022004000100060&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

This paper has the objective of analyze some technologies to supply energy for stay-alone systems in the framework of IRP (Integrated Resources Planing). Will be analyzed technologies which use renewable fonts (hydraulic, wind, biomass) and non-renewable fonts (diesel, nature gas, GLP) and to define the betters options to be applied in a region like the Sustainable Development Reserve Mamirauá (RDSM) will be used the Full Cost Account analyze (ACC). The electricity always offer a better life quality because this promote a better water quality for human consume, a better condition for the schools and hospitals, better condition of conservation of food for consume and for sale.

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