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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


COELHO, Suani Teixeira, SILVA, Orlando Cristiano da, VELAZQUEZ, Sílvia Maria Stortini González et al. Implantação e testes de utilização de óleo vegetal como combustível para diesel geradores em comunidades isoladas da Amazônia. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 03 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022004000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

The project PROVEGAM "Implantation and test of a unit demonstration of energetic utilization of vegetable oil", tested in operational conditions of field, the functioning of a conventional diesel engine, adapted to operate with palm oil "in natura" in the community of Vila Soledade, city of Moju, Pará State. The Vila Soledade is an isolated community that has, approximately, 700 inhabitants and it's located at one hundred kilometers from the city hall by car and more 30 minutes by boat. The electric energy of this community was previously generated, by a conventional diesel engine, obsolete and very expensive to the community, because the fuel price and the transport of the diesel oil from the city to the community. The Provegam project, installed an electric generation group, MWM TD229, manufactured in Brazil, adapted with a conversion kit to operate with "in natura" palm oil, working 6 hours per day. Because of the viscosity of the palm oil and its combustion point, it was necessary to heat the vegetable oil before its injection into the engine. The operation begins and finishes with diesel oil, in order to heat the palm oil and to clean possible residues deposited in the interior of the engine. The use of the palm oil justifies itself for being produced in the region, which means that it doesn't have to be imported. Currently, the generating group is working in the community during 5 hours per day with palm oil, and 1 hour per day with diesel oil and it already has more than 1600 hours of testing. The results of this project, so far, have confirmed the conceived premises, and this electric model of generating energy is already recommended to be implemented in other communities in the Amazon region.

Keywords : Óleo vegetal; desenvolvimento sustentável; comunidades isoladas; grupo gerador.

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