Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
PEDREIRA, Adriana Coli and DUPAS, Francisco Antonio. Licenciamento ambiental para implantação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas: análise e propostas de otimização para Minas Gerais. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 09 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
This document presents the legal and institutional aspects of the environmental licensing for the implementation of small hydroelectrical power plants (SHPP). Laws and doctrine related to the topic were researched and concluded for Minas Gerais State with the help of a survey with the enterprises and institutions involved in the process to find out the difficulties that influence the delay of the analysis of the SHPP. It also highlights the importance of environmental zoning as a tool of environmental management for the procedure to obtain these licenses. The results show that 80% of the cases, the institutions do not respect the deadlines, 40% of the studies presented by the enterprises are insufficient, 60% there is lack of human resource and technical capacities of the environment institutions, and 80% non-fullfilment of the laws and non-integration of the institutions. Finally, the study concludes that the difficulties to obtain these licenses are based on the facts mentioned which are, the non-integration of the institutions and also, being recent, on the inexperience of the actors involved. Therefore, it is suggested that deadlines should be imposed for the institutions and the enterprises. There should be training, fundraising for the hiring of technicians, fulfillment of the law and above all, transparency in order to supply the electrical energy demand and guarantee the sustainable development.
Keywords : Licenciamento ambiental; pequenas centrais hidrelétricas; legislação; propostas otimização; Minas Gerais.