5, v.2Metodologia para avaliação da energia associada ao resíduo sólido industrial: aplicação à região metropolitana de CampinasModelagem e simulação de gerador fotovoltaico author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


BARBOSA, Daniely de Barros, ANDRADE, Rodrigo Freitas de, OURIQUE, Jorge Eduardo da Silva et al. Modelagem e otimização do sistema integrado da produção de energia para desenvolvimento sustentável do agronegócio de frutas. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 15 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022004000200018&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

Great problems are found by who need to get a power plant capable to mostly make possible the deriving food production of the fruits. The use of the electric energy of the plants and micron-plant is one of the main factors for the rise in the cost of the production. The use of alternative sources of energy sells at a loss a little this cost. Of this form, this project of integrated system of production of energy for agroindústria, supported for the CNPq, becomes advantageous all the investments that come to be made in this direction. The objective of the research is to develop a new synthesis of processes for use of vegetal biomass (wood) for production of the applied electric energy in the process of manufacture of jelly of fruits with co-production of activated coal. Our project of residual biomass produces energy from the wood saw pyrolysis and gaseification. And also uses the substitution of the glucose found in the sugar for the pectina, proceeding from the rinds of fruits. Comparative results indicate that this substantiates (pectina) is sufficiently efficient in the control of the cholesterol level of the blood and also is very rich in the energy supply for the people who consume them. After carried through bibliographical research on the current state of the technology of the production of energy based on the vegetal biomass of firewood, processes of term conversion, reactor of activation and equipments, to leave of this had been developed engineering projects, with the use of the tool Super ProDesigner 4.9. Some simulations of processes of fast pyrolysis, gasification, separation of bio oil, generation of energy including system of integration of energy production as innovation of the considered work had been made. To leave of this, two scenes had been developed: one, the current process of production and the other, our innovation, being studied at great length the project of investment and costs, analysis of viability and cash flux using software Orçamento 2004. The results of diverse technician-economic parameters of this scene had been compared and analyzed, where a good energy and material income of practised conventional process in the country was observed. The modeling proposed involves the integrated system that allows the valuation of the jelly of fruits with improved economic viability of efficient form. Considering the viability and low cost of this process and the diverse analyzed economic parameters it is intended to contribute for the supply of a more healthful food for the population.

Keywords : Biomassa; Energia; Frutas.

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