Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
MOURAD, Anna L., AMBROGI, Vinicius S. and GUERRA, Sinclair M. G. Potencial de utilização energética de biomassa residual de grãos. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 06 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
The biomass resulting from the rejected parts of grains, as straw and peel of rice, corn, wheat, soy, all great cultivations in the country, has potential to be takes advantage as energy. It was considered that the contribution of this residual biomass is near of 167,8 million GJ/ano, value that could be added to the use already established of the cane bagasse for energy purpose (658 million GJ, in 2001). This energy can be used for drying of these same grains (energy expense estimate of 67 million GJ), currently obtained from oil. It can also substitute the fuel oil used in the agricultural section, in the industries of food and beverage, ceramic and textile (sections that consumed 67.822 GJ in 2001). In São Paulo state the regions with greater potencial to install biomass plants are located in Assis, Avaré and Itapeva EDR (regional development office).
Keywords : Resíduos; arroz; milho; trigo; feijão; trigo; soja; geração de energia.