Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
BIANCHI, Inácio and SOUZA, Teófilo Miguel de. Software para dimensionar condutores, eletrodutos e proteções para instalações elétricas de luz e de força motriz no meio rural. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 24 January 2025]. Available from: <> .
This paper presents the software MOTORLUZ developed for efficient and economical design of lighting and motors wiring circuits in agricultural zones. The software input data are: voltage, single or three-phase system, circuit or feeder, power factor, voltage drops, temperature, number of circuits, component number and length of each circuit, number of conductors in the conduit and power of each circuit component. Results are presented on screen and archived for future attachment in the design calculus memorial. Archives contains input data, circuit names, currents, conductor diameters, breakers, fuses, conductor total length, conduit diameters and length, partial and total voltage drops for each circuit. Executable version program is easy, compact, and it can runs even in a 3 ½ " floppy disk drive of any PC microcomputer. A simplified application example data of the software is showed too at this paper.
Keywords : Software for wiring design; efficient wiring circuits.