Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
RISPOLI, Ítalo Alberto Gatica and MARIOTONI, Carlos Alberto. Tecnologia apropriada para sistema de energia solar visando aquecimento de água para o banho humano em moradias do meio rural. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 12 November 2024]. Available from: <> .
The Brazilian land receives a great amount of solar radiation all over the year, therefore, because both the culture and practical aspects, Brazilians use in a non-moderate way the electricity to boil the water for human bath in the rural homes, in the lower incommer residences even at part of the medium class homes. That happens due to the very low price of an electrical shower, about US$ 6,5. In fact, that way of heatig water is largely used because, besides the very low electrical shower price, it is not necessary to install a complete hot water both hydraulic and electrical building systems, but just both single hydraulic pipes and electrical devices. On the other hands, at rural regions where the electricity does not achieve the rural people uses firewood in order to get hot water for human bath. At the rural places the use of electrical showers has meaning an increase in the electrical transformers powers, heavier electrical transmision rural lines, with greater prices and, at the urban zones, the use of electrical showers in the lower social classes has contributed to a more expressive electrical load at the nacional eletrical system load peck, between 5:30 to 8:30 a.m. The public administration, mostly, does not take into account both social, economic and environmental costs in order to think about the electricity offer. The solar heating systems, generally used in Brazil, conserves the same reservoirs used in France at 1880. Therefore, this paper presents some technical subsidies applied to rural homes, even to lower income people's homes aiming to estimulate the Brazilian public authorities to make a public police to facilitate both the industrialization and dissemination of solar heating systmes, apropriate to the rural area, with lower costs, componed by good technology equipments, with guarantee of lasting and quality.
Keywords : Fontes renováveis de energia; Energia solar; Conservação de energia; Tecnología Apropriada; Edificação de baixa renda; Coletor solar; Reservatório térmico; Aquecimento de água.