Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
CAMPOS, Alessandro Torres, SAGLIETTI, José Roberto Corrêa, CAMPOS, Aloísio Torres de et al. Energy use in a rural building. In Procedings of the 5th Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2004, Campinas (SP) [online]. 2004 [cited 10 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
The employed energy in agricultural systems study, its flows, distribution and conversion constitute important instrumental for evaluation of the sustentabilidade of these systems; mainly is tended in bill the current crisis in the energy sections. This procedure facilitates the determination of the processes, materials and equipments of larger energy consumption, indicating economy options. One of the main lacks that is noticed in the literature is the lack of information concerning the energy consumptions for constructions and facilities used in the several agricultural productive processes in Brazil. The work had as objective to accomplish an estimate of the involved energy in the construction of a rural building, in the Intensive System of Milk Production of Embrapa Gado de Leite, in Coronel Pacheco-MG Brasil. For the development of the work the energy coefficients lifted by the Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais was used (CETEC). With the obtained results it could be observed that the energy index for construction area differentiated enough of those presented by the literature, being found values of 587,09 MJ.m-2, when the total area was linked and 622,23 MJ.m-2, when it was linked the useful hay storage static capacity area. The item of larger energy consumption for the analyzed type of rural building went to masonry wall (3,18 kJ.m-2), contributing with 46,77% of the total employed energy in the construction of the building. The covering structure, even considering included the structural elements, as pillars, it presented low energy consumption (50,35% of the total employed energy). The employed methodology confirmed its usefulness for the determination of materials and processes energy saving, in an ecological point of view.
Keywords : Construções rurais; balanço de energia; materiais de construção.