6, v.1A geração de energia elétrica em um modelo de desenvolvimento endógeno: possíveis soluções para as comunidades isoladas do interior do estado do Amazonas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de trabajos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


MELLO, Liodoro de, SOUZA, Marcelo de Oliveira e y MELLO, Eliane Stopa de. A cogeração como alternativa de conservação de energia ou aumento da produtividade industrial em usinas de asfalto. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 25 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100001&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

The structural changes and in the legal order of the Brazilian electric sector had been stimulation to the private investments. On the other hand, this increase represented for the nominal growth of the taxes of the GIP in 2005 of 2,77% sample that the productive capacity also, increased from offers greater of goods and services. These numbers can represent a consequent increase of the Energy consumption (electric as in such a way thermal). Of teams that the increasing concern of the modern societies has relation with the Energy availability, in average stated period. If it makes necessary you stimulate the reflection, how much the availability of Energy in the world. In Brazil it offers of inferior Energy the capacity of growth of the national industrial Park can provoke the deceleration of the economy. They ploughs necessary actions in the direction of the conservation, much of the not renewable Resources, how much of the Energy the a whole - the moment is preoccupying, therefore a scarcity horizon is found definitive on the basis of the finitude of the Resources. In the bulge of these questions the work presents a study detailed on the implantation of the system of agreed and simultaneous generation of useful Energy (cogeração) in industrial units that give the sustentation for the draining of the wealth to the country, through the roads and highways, as it is the case of the plant of asphalt of the EMPAV. The externalidades of this process give account that the city of Juiz De Fora started to be responsible for 23% of the industrial natural gas consumption in the state, with ending of III the stage of the gas-line Mines in 2003, - lesser emission of pollutants, greater competitiveness and reduction of 22% in the costs of industrial electric Energy. In turn even so these profits have represented a real increase of productivity and uniformity of asphalt mass, the use of the plant Drum-Mixer, the natural gas, still does not make possible the exploitation of 80% of the primary Energy of this fuel - in the same measure the asphalt production was remained with the politics of attendance only of the emergencial demand. The study for it saw of the analysis of sensitivity, economic and financial, concluded in 2004 showed the viability of the system of cogeneration for the company. The to prove is of that this study he would not have been exhaustingly debated, of the opposite, of the institutional actions would be in the direction to improve the conclusion of the works. In order to retake this quarrel the present article was worried in measurer the monetary losses, over all, Energy in period 2004-2006 in the production of asphalt for the conventional way.

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