Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
SILVA, Marcos Vinicius Miranda da y ROCHA, Brígida Ramati Pereira da. Análise econômica de um gaseificador de 20 kw. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 16 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <> .
The gasification of biomass residues has been pointed as an alternative in electricity supplying for small communities of the Amazon region, because it promotes a significant substitution of the Diesel oil in the electric power generation. This paper presents an economic analysis of an electricity generation system (gasifier and generator set) of 20 kW that is installed in the community of Jenipaúba, in the State of Pará. That analysis confirms the economic attractiveness of that energy alternative on the generator sets that operate exclusively with Diesel oil. It also shows the impact of the labor law on electricity generation cost, as well as the need of subsidizing the electric power generation, because the community of Jenipaúba is very poor.