6, v.1Análise termodinâmica e termoeconômica de uma usina sucroalcooleira que produz excedente de energia para comercializaçãoArte da tecnologia do hidrogênio: review índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de trabajos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


SILVA JUNIOR, Herculano Xavier da, QUEIROZ, Guilherme de Castilho y JANNUZZI, Gilberto De Martino. Aplicação da metodologia de análise do custo do ciclo de vida (ACCV) para o estabelecimento de padrões de eficiência energética: refrigeradores comercializados no Brasil. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 25 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100016&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

The goal of this paper is to present the work in the thesis developed by Silva Jr. (2005) who discusses the application of the methodologies of Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) as a tool to propose energy efficiency standards, complementally to the voluntary labels already existing in the one-door Brazilian refrigerators. Another objective is to study the role of these instruments (energy efficiency labels and standards and environmental labels) as means to supply technical subsidies for the establishment of maximum level of electric energy consumption and environmental quality impact for electrical equipments in Brazil. The LCCA methodology allows to evaluate the impacts of the energy efficiency increasing in electrical equipments, resulting in important saving (energy, financial, carbon dioxide emissions avoided etc.) for the country and its citizens. The results reached in this studies offer important data to subsidize deepered discussions with manufacturers and the government to stipulate minimum energy efficiency standards for the Brazilian refrigerators. Thus, with increase of 28,1% on the energy efficiency of the one-door Brazilian refrigerators in 2008 to reach a values of savings that can be in order of 54,63 TWh (with respective reduction of demand power of 208 MW), of US$ 6,23 Billions of Dollar (R$ 17,2 Billions of Reais) of reduction in the account of electric energy for the population and of approximately 22 billions of tons of CO2 not emitted on the environment after 30 years of the implantation of standard. These values, that can't be despised by government, manufacturers and consumers. One other interest of this work is to start the discussion, the possibility of the creation of environmental labelling (e.g., Green Seal - USA, Eco-label - EU etc.) that is an additional program/methodology, which, it may be utilized as support for development of technologies and for the increase of energy and environmental efficiency of the electric equipments. These labels are strategically important for Brazil to amplify the environmental programs to their products because they can facilitate the insertion of these products in the international market, at the same time, that the country gets in the increase of the quality (environmental etc.) and promotes the sustainable development around the world.

Palabras llave : Energy Efficiency Label and Standards; LCCA; Efficient Refrigerators.

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