6, v.1As implicações do composto promocional de marketing numa cooperativa de eletrificação rural: o caso da Certaja - RSAs possibilidades de uso dos potenciais energéticos de mato grosso em substituição aos combustíveis importados e danosos ao meio ambiente índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de trabajos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


TIAGO FILHO, Geraldo Lúcio, GABETTA, José Henrique y CAMPOS, Bruno Thiago Lopes da Costa. As microcentrais hidrelétricas (µCH) como alternativa de atendimento as comunidades isoladas: um estudo de caso.. In: ENCONTRO DE ENERGIA NO MEIO RURAL, 6., 2006, Campinas. Anales electrnicos... Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100019&lng=es&nrm=abn>. Aceso en: 18 Mayo. 2024.

The concept of Micro Hydropower Plants (µHP) is different and simpler than the Small or Large Hydropower Plants, which makes the necessary actions for its implementation diverse in relation to the bigger ones. This article presents the results of this energy model in the communities and its impact, moreover treating in a wider context, of the productive use of the energy for the community's improvement, seeking the preservation and improvement of its several resources, contributing to enhancement of the life quality, with seeks the sustainable development. This way, it is waited that the generated impacts are administered inside of a synergic and balanced atmosphere, under the pillars of social inclusion, environmental prudence and economical feasibility.

Palabras llave : Micro Central Hidrelétrica - µCH; Energia; Meio Ambiente.

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