6, v.1Aspectos energéticos da biomassa como recurso no Brasil e no mundoEvaluation of energy efficiency of climatization system in dairy cattle free-stall índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de trabajos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


ANGONESE, André Ricardo, CAMPOS, Alessandro Torres, PALACIO, Soraya Moreno et al. Avaliação da eficiência de um biodigestor tubular na redução da carga orgânica e produção de biogás a partir de dejetos de suínos. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 07 Febrero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100022&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency of the anaerobic biological treatment systems in the reduction and stabilization of biodegradable organic matter of swine waste. The experiment was carried out at Vale dos Ipês Farm, located in the city of Ouro Verde do Oeste, in the Western of Paraná State. One finishing phase swine unity containing 600 animals was monitored from January to June 2005. The system is composed by one steel digester with capacity for 50 m3. The swine barn cleaning is performed by dry scratching on a daily basis. The generated residues flow by gravitation through ducts towards the digester. The duration of the hydraulic retention period was 12 days. The residues analysis was performed by means of sampling at the entrance and way out of the digester. The following parameters were analyzed: pH, DBO5, DQO, total solids, total volatile solids, total fixed solids, total nitrogen e ammonia, potassium, total phosphate, average of biogas production. The results suggested that the anaerobic biological treatment system was efficient for reducing and stabilizing the organic matter resulted from the swine wastes. Expressive reductions of DBO, DQO, ST and SVT of 76, 77, 43 and 59% respectively, were obtained for the effluent originated by the digester. The average daily production of biogas during the analyzed period was 31, 5 m3.

Palabras llave : Biodigestão anaeróbia; biogás; carga orgânica.

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