6, v.1Software model for greenhouse control and supervision evaluationBalanço energético preliminar da produção do biodiesel de óleo de palma para as condições do Brasil e da Colômbia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de trabajos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


SEYE, Omar y SOUZA, Rubem César Rodrigues. Avaliação do desempenho do motor de combustão interna de pequeno porte com misturas óleo diesel - óleo de dênde. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 22 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100025&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

This work aims at the performance evaluation of the Cummins 4B-3.9, an internal combustion engine of maximum power 75 hp (56.6 kW) for small scale power generation, burning different mixtures of diesel fuel and palm oil. The palm oil in nature is mixed manually, what unfortunately will influence the engine performance as it hinders the combustion. The test protocol will include the bio-diesel, later on. The emissions were assessed for several proportions of mixture diesel/palm oil covering the strip from 0 to 20% and the results were compared to the engine performance when it operates with diesel only. The motor is coupled to a dynamometer, whose operation consists of the acceleration and deceleration of water in order to simulate the effect of a load being applied to the motor. The system is controlled by the software LT commander that allows the start up and the shutdown of the engine from the screen of the computer that also monitors the following parameters as speed of rotation of the motor (RPM), applied torque (N-m), Potency (hp), temperature of the lubricating oil, temperature of the water in the entrance and exit of the motor, and temperature of the environment (°C), pressures of the lubricating oil and of opening of the injector (mBar). While a flow meter coupled to the piping measures the consumption of fuel, the gas analyzer ECHO Line 6000 it monitors the concentration and temperature of carbon monoxide (CO) (ppm), nitric oxide (NO) (ppm), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), (ppm), sulfur dioxide (SO2) (ppm) and Oxygen (O2) (%) in the exhaust gases. This equipment also determines the combustion parameters as excess of air and the efficiency. The technical results present the efficiency variation, the pressure of the fuel, monoxide carbon, NOx emissions, Oxygen content in the exhaust gases, for the different mixture proportions. Furthermore, the results of economic viability show generation cost values of US$ 135,66/MWh for the motor operating with oil diesel, U$187,19 / MWh for B 10 and US$ 191,71/MWh for B 20.

Palabras llave : Combustível alternativo; óleo de dendê; motor de combustão interna; emissões; geração de eletricidade.

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