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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


SLUSZZ, Thaisy and MACHADO, João Armando Dessimon. Características das potenciais culturas matérias-primas do biodiesel e sua adoção pela agricultura familiar.. In: ENCONTRO DE ENERGIA NO MEIO RURAL, 6., 2006, Campinas. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100032&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 13 May. 2024.

Beyond the economic advantages and the ambient benefits, the production of biodiesel in wide scale will be important instrument of generation of income in the agricultural way, with significant impact on familiar agriculture. One of the biggest motivations for the production of this alternative fuel was given by the federal government by means of the "Social Combustible Stamp", that it foresees that producing industries buy deriving raw materials of biodiesel of familiar agriculture. Several are the viable cultures for the small property, thus being, in this article become an analysis of the potentialities of each culture raw material of biodiesel, to be produced for familiar agriculture in small properties, in the different Brazilian regions. The exploration research was used that it aimed at to provide to more familiarity with the question biodiesel x familiar agriculture and involved bibliographical survey and interviews the specialists. Several are the alternatives of cultivos with positive agronomic potential that can promote the inclusion of familiar agriculture in the chain productive of biodiesel, taking in consideration the characteristics of each Brazilian region, being the oil plants of bigger prominence: dendê, coconut, babaçu, sunflower, canola, mamona, tame nut and sesame.

Keywords : biodiesel; agricultura familiar; energia alternativa; desenvolvimento rural; oleaginosas.

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