6, v.1Caracterização energética de biomassas amazônicasCaracterización del bagazo de la caña de azúcar. Parte II: características fluidodinámicas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de trabajos
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Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural


ALARCON, Guillermo A. Roca, SANCHEZ, Caio Glauco, GOMEZ, Edgardo Olivares et al. Caracterización del bagazo de la caña de azúcar: Parte I: características físicas. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 16 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000022006000100036&lng=es&nrm=iso> .

Fine materials or particles are often encountered in many industrial processes and in our daily life. Some examples are: salt or sugar; sand; cleaning products; fertilizer; cement; calcium hydroxide; some residues of energy biomass, for instance, sugar cane bagasse, straw of sugar cane, saw dust, straw of rice, and even, other types of particulates as aerosols, and residual ash from combustion processes of conventional solids. During the preparation and handling of these materials and also for design and optimization of some multiphase processes and equipments associated with them, as classifying, transport and pneumatic drying, and thermo chemical conversion systems, in general, iIt is indispensable knowing the principal physical and fluid dynamic characteristics or properties, which not always are available or well established. In this paper the Ergun Method is employed, which is based on theoretical equations established for a fixed bed of porous particles when it is crossed by a gas flow. From this expression and measurements of pressure loss for a given flow of gas crossing the bed at different heights, it is possible to determine some physical characteristics, as bulk density, real density, porosity, sphericity, and specific surface of the bed particles. The technique used for obtaining experimental data is simple but rigorous and it is possible to reproduce these data. Were tested several fractions of bagasse obtained by the conventional sieving process. Finally it was statistically processed all experimental results obtaining the corresponding mathematical models for the desired properties as a function of the mean diameter of the particles. These empirical equations can be used to determine these properties in the range and conditions specified and also for modeling some processes where these fractions are employed.

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