Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
MOURAD, Anna Lúcia. Considerações econômicas e técnicas sobre o uso de óleos vegetais combustíveis como substituto de óleo diesel. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 07 Febrero 2025]. Disponible en: <> .
The introduction of biodiesel in the Brazilian energy matrix has been mainly motivated by the governmental actions, which foresees social and economical development to the country in a program that allows the use of different oil seed crops as raw materials for biofuel production. Cost estimates considering the average price received by the farmer and the oil content of each vegetable shows that the minimum cost of biofuel was about 1.1(castor bean); 1.8(peanut); 2.0(soy beans); 3.3(corn) higher than the average cost of fossil diesel from 1975 to 2004. Among the evaluated raw materials, only the palm oil had inferior cost compared to the petroleum diesel (0.6%). The oleaginous plants that have a higher oil content and smaller agricultural production cost to produce biofuels are economically most feasible and they should be prioritized in the Government Program so that it may become economically sustainable along the years, as well as generate adequate profit to the farmers of each culture. The feasibility of National Program for Biofuel Use and Production (PNPB) and both economical and environmental aspects should also consider the destination of the main by-products of the biofuel productive chain such as the left over cakes after extraction of the oil and glycerine produced during the transesterification process.
Palabras llave : viabilidade econômica; óleos vegetais combustíveis; mamona; soja; girassol; milho; dendê.