Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Azauri Albano de, MACIEL, Carlos Dias, CICHY, Elineri Cássia C. et al. Controle inovador modo corrente e modo tensão para sistemas estáticos de geração distribuída de energia. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 07 Febrero 2025]. Disponible en: <> .
This Work focuses on control of power inverter tecnologies for connecting any possible DC energy system to a single-phase using a current mode voltage mode control CMVMC. In this way a CMVMC can control only one power inverter in two operation modes. In current mode the control inject the active power in the utility and voltage control keeping loads always on with energy from the alternative DC sources. When instaled near big centers the control will choose the correctily operation or current mode or voltage mode depend on if the utility is present or no. This advanced, robust control strategies can determine the maximum on-line limit current from the DC energy, without DC current component and also free of island operation. The feasibility of this new control was digitaly simulated and implemented in analogic way.