Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
TESSARO, Alcione Rodrigo, SOUZA, Samuel N. Melegari de, RICIERI, Reinaldo Prandini et al. Performance of a panel fotovoltaico connected to a solar dredge. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 25 Enero 2025]. Disponible en: <> .
The used fotovoltaicos panels currently, still possess low an efficiency, around 8,84%. As this efficiency is characteristic of the fotovoltaica plate, it was used in this research, a different system of the conventional. This differentiated system nothing more is that a mechanism that makes with that the fotovoltaico panel if puts into motion of form to always keep its perpendicular fotovoltaicas cells to the sun. Of ownership of two monocristalinos fotovoltaicos panels, of same mark and model, it was possible to mount two systems of solar captation. One of them, installed of the form established in the memorandum of understanding, directed northward geographic to an inclination of 37° in relation to the ground, and the other panel mounted in top of a tracking mechanism, that tends to keep the perpendicular fotovoltaica cell to the solar rays. The chain samples and tension, had been extracted, in the two systems, conventional and dredge, in intervals of time of forty minutes, being effected in the period of the eight hours of the morning until the six hours of the afternoon, totalizing 16 samples. The ambient temperature also was collected in these intervals of time. The results had been more satisfactory in the tracking system, more evidenced an energy exploitation of 20,74% and an efficiency of 2,052% than in the system with the conventionally mounted fotovoltaico module.
Palabras llave : Energia solar; painel fotovoltaico; rastreamento solar.