Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural
COSTA, Heitor Scalambrini. Diagnóstico do estado de funcionamento de sistemas de bombeamento de água fotovoltaico (SBFV) instalados em Pernambucano. In Anales del 6. Encontro de Energia no Meio Rural, 2006, Campinas (SP, Brasil) [online]. 2006 [citado 07 Febrero 2025]. Disponible en: <> .
The major projects concerning the dissemination of the use of photovoltaic solar energy (PVSE) in Brazil are located in the Northeast region. Particularly, the State of Pernambuco has the largest number of installations and the largest installed power of autonomous systems. There exist approximately 700 residencies, 250 schools and 150 water pumping systems among other applications using PVSE, totaling 250 kWp installed in more than 80 cities of that State. This work analyses a diagnosis report on the state of functioning of 64 one-year-old water-pumping installations in 30 m to 60 m depth wells, driven by 300 to 1,600 Wp photovoltaic generators, the flows varying from 200 l/h to 6,000 l/h. Technical and non-technical problems were identified, ranging from improper location choice, wrong system dimensioning, inadequate photovoltaic generator installations, lack of user instruction and training, lack of responsibility definitions regarding the technical assistance and the needed follow-up. In the final part of this report proposals are enumerated concerning the establishment of a local and municipal organizing structure aiming the management of the water-pumping installations and the assurance of a larger success probability in the use of that technology.
Palabras llave : Energia fotovoltaica; bombeamento de água; sustentabilidade.