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Colóquio do LEPSI IP/FE-USP
Os adultos, seus saberes e a infância

On-line ISBN 85-86736-12-0


LIMA, Christiano Mendes de. Psychoanalysis application to education: the beginning of a failure.. In: COLOQUIO DO LEPSI IP/FE-USP, 4., 2002, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032002000400005&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.

Freud’s text known as the case of little Hans was used to analyze why psychoanalysis’ application to education can result into the failure of an educational act, turning the act of education a hard accomplishment.

Keywords : psychoanalysis; education; childhood.

        · abstract in portuguese     · text in portuguese