4Des-ilusão tem futuro?: artistagem da infância índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de trabalhos
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Colóquio do LEPSI IP/FE-USP
Os adultos, seus saberes e a infância

ISBN 85-86736-12-0 versão on-line


KUPFER, M. Cristina M. Treating and educating these almost-normal children. In Anais do 4. Colóquio do LEPSI IP/FE-USP, 2002, San Pablo (SP) [online]. 2002 [citado 25 Janeiro 2025]. Disponível em: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032002000400037&lng=pt&nrm=iso> .

The present article aims to ask for the reasons why the mental treatment and the education of children took different ways. In the article, we take Education as the family education, but the consequences of our ideas for the school education are also considered. Today, we have to treat through education or to educate through the treatment, but, in both, the aim of our practice is to let the subjectivity come

Palavras-chave : psychoanalysis; education; infantile psychosis; teacher’s learning.

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