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Colóquio do LEPSI IP/FE-USP
Psicanálise, infância e educação

On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-06-4


RASSIAL, Jean-Jacques. O psicanalista "malgré lui".. In: COLOQUIO DO LEPSI IP/FE-USP, 5., 2004, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032004000100007&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.

This text questions the relation between psychoanalysis and institution. It starts with an analysis of how much the concrete history of the exercise of this relation makes evident the impasse, which is possible to reach. It distinguishes three moments; the entrance of psychoanalysis happens without psychoanalysts; the psychoanalysts as super "psis"; the analysts as ideologists. At the end, it concludes that the analyst could not forget that there is no good institution.

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