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Colóquio do LEPSI IP/FE-USP
Psicanálise, infância e educação

On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-06-4


BARZOTTO, Valdir Heitor. A criança falada e a cena de quem a fala.. In: COLOQUIO DO LEPSI IP/FE-USP, 5., 2004, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032004000100012&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 24 Jan. 2025.

Having examined the academic production that foccus Portuguese learning and teaching, we have verified a child´s image to represent the real child that is in scholl context is, litle a litle, being drawn in the academic texts. Meanwhile, as the analysis of that production progressed, we have noticed that a construction of one scene pops up in the texts. In that scene, the academic authors offer images of themselves that, is some aspects, are equivalent to those childrens´ images that have being previously constructed. After that perception, we have decided to fulfill the task of analysing the writing proceedures that have being utilized in the already mentioned production, especially taking the relation that have being stablished by its authors and the authors cited by them into consideration. Taking the authors´ behavior in relation to the words that have been written by different people as a point of depparture, we believe that it will be possible to better understand the author´s reasons to present those imagens of children that they have presented, and, besides, to better understand the writting proceedures inside the university.

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