Psicanálise, Educação e Transmissão
On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-08-8
On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-08-8
BASTOS, Marise Bartolozzi. Transmission of psychoanalysis to educators: when the circulation of a word implies the make-saying.. In: PSICANALISE, EDUCACAO E TRANSMISSAO, 6., 2006, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <>. Acess on: 08 Feb. 2025.
In the work of Grupo Ponte, about the accompaniment of the scholarship process of children watched in Lugar de Vida, it is verified that a work of listening to teachers, based on the references of psychoanalysis, emphasising the make-saying, may promote changes the pedagogical praticals adopted traditionally by educators, making possible the inclusion of children with PDD.
Keywords : Transmission of psychoanalysis; schoolar inclusion; PDD.