6Education as an 'inconvenient fact' for psychoanalysisTransmission of psychoanalysis to educators: from the pedagogic ideal to the real of the educational (trans)mission author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Psicanálise, Educação e Transmissão

On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-08-8


LERNER, Rogério. Discussion about the use of clinical reports in researches and in the transmission of the clinic.. In: PSICANALISE, EDUCACAO E TRANSMISSAO, 6., 2006, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032006000100007&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 11 Dec. 2024.

Beyond a theory concerning psychic functions, Freud instituted an original strategy of thought from which the interrogation about mental suffering started to be addressed to the resulting field of the joint of the terms unconscious, psychopathology and sexuality around the notion of fantasy. These aspects define the discursive materiality of psychoanalysis. Considerations on etiology, semiology and therapeutic approach proposed by psychoanalysis can only be held in the context instituted by the methodological contour in question. The clinic is the occasion of institution of the scenography that supports the method of psychoanalysis, always guided to the questions and to the categories of answers that sustain its discursive materiality. Thus, the clinical report is a chance of transmission of the discursive conditions of occurrence of psychoanalysis. Questions raised in psychoanalytical clinic can be addressed to different contexts from the one that defines psychoanalysis, as well as questions raised in these "foreign" lands can be addressed to it, as, for example, in the research on joint of genetic and psychic aspects in autism. Distinct contexts produce distinct methods, leaving from and addressing to specific discursive materialities. The sustentation of a discursive materiality is not only useless for another one, but also threatens the other one. We desire to discuss some consequences that such tension has for the use of clinical reports in researches.

Keywords : Psychoanalysis; methodology; epistemology.

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