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Psicanálise, Educação e Transmissão

On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-08-8


PECHBERTY, Bernard. Study of case or clinical report?.. In: PSICANALISE, EDUCACAO E TRANSMISSAO, 6., 2006, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032006000100010&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 07 Feb. 2025.

The notion of clinical case is related to the history of medicine, and afterwards, psychopathology and psychology. In France, the sciences of education, a more recent subject, barely use this term because of different scientific affiliation of clinical researchers. Epistemological and institutional debates are present. It is as a sciences of education and psychology teacher, guided by psychoanalysis, that is my intervention. In teaching, a model of clinical transmission that places in its core the classic construction of the ‘case’ would be exposed to criticisms of a false objectivation, of a defensive distance of the researcher and his/her object. The cures led by Freud are not cases, they show the precision of his work between the clinic and the theory, and the complexity of his writings with implication. In our clinical researches, in sciences of education, the set data in the research board widely overtake the restrictive notion of case. In research, the notion of clinical report built about individuals, groups or institutions seems to be more productive than the notion of a case. The clinical transmission is concerned not only with theoretical knowledge that gathered material could illustrate through vignettes, but also with the relation with clinical knowledge and the unconscious in which the apprentice researcher starts, and that works in his/her appropriation of theoretical texts, and in the methods used, in interviews, observations or analysis of professional practices. It is the transmission of a clinical research initiative that is considered and that implies for students the unconscious dimension in his/her formation and work as a researcher. Different transferences and contra-transferences are going on between university monitors or professionals, and the writing of research should work as a witness for students or for future clinical professionals. Beyond the language of the case, the attention towards the psychic particularity of the individuals studied is decisive, duplicated by the consideration of singularity of the researcher and his/her unconscious.

Keywords : Psychoanalysis of Children; the self professional; clinical report; transmission.

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