6Study of case or clinical report?O relato de uma experiência: projeto Aleph Psicanálise& Educação author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Psicanálise, Educação e Transmissão

On-line ISBN 978-85-60944-08-8


AMARAL, Mônica do. Youth cultures X school culture: thinking over the notions of (in)discipline and authority in an educational approach.. In: PSICANALISE, EDUCACAO E TRANSMISSAO, 6., 2006, São Paulo. Proceedings online... Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000032006000100011&lng=en&nrm=abn>. Acess on: 17 Jan. 2025.

The ethnography of the look [‘regard’, in French], as proposed by Canevacci, combined with an attentive look to youth manifestation of eroticism and protest may offer epistemological basis of a contemporary criticism of the ordering reason of the school culture. The divorce between rationality (of school organization and taught contents) and the students’ process of subjectivation have caused irreparable harm to school authority. The intention is to offer basis to think over the notions of (in)discipline and authority in education, re-thinking the action of transmission by means of an attentive listening to the dissonant voices present in youth cultures in the metropolis.

Keywords : youth cultures; ethnography of the look [‘regard’]; a renewed action of transmission.

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