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Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium


CASANOVA, Edna Gurgel, PORTO, Isaura Setenta and OLIVEIRA, Rosane Mara Pontes de. Psychiatric nursing care as a communication space in psychosocial rehabilition. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 11 October 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000052002000100024&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

This research deals with nursing care as a space for communication in psycho-social rehabilitation, in a psychiatric hospitalization ward. The theoretical-conceptual bases resulted from the articulation between concepts from the fields of communication, nursing care and psychosocial rehabilitation. The data collected through participant observation and interviews connected with the observed situations were classified on the basis of their contents with respect to communication for psychosocial rehabilitation, resulting in two categories: communication as an evidence for attitude originating in rehabilitation principles; communication inserted in institutional therapeutic mechanisms. The results showed that, through their actions, the members of the nursing staff evidence attitudes in consonance with psycho-social rehabilitation, although they take the form of spontaneous and not actively inserted actions. They also showed that the communication which took place within the therapeutic mechanism was not systematically established, depending on whether the participation resulted from personal interest of the members of the nursing staff.

Keywords : psychiatric nursing care; psychosocial rehabilitation; communication.

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