Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium
ARAUJO, Sílvia Teresa Carvalho de, PORTO, Isaura Setenta, SANTOS, Iraci dos et al. The body senses of the nursing students in the sociopoetic learning about the non - verbal comunication of the client in preoperative reception. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 06 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
The study deals with the kinetic, proxemic, implicit non-verbal manifestations and paralanguage of the clients in preoperative reception as perceived by the undergraduate and postgraduate students. The data resulted from dynamics using symbols that represent the body senses and the heart. The sociopoetic method through the technique of experiencing the sociocommunicative body, allowed for the reading of the individual and collective imaginary of the subjects codifying 46 expressions related to the sense of vision, 27 related to tact, 20 to hearing, 19 to smell and 14 to taste. The data analyzed and partially presented in the form of poetries highlight the subjectivity of the client. The teaching of these contents has allowed for the opening up of the students’ body senses in order to create this perception in nursing care. This also demonstrated to be contents that can be known, allowing for the invisibleness of gestures, positions, touches and sounds of the customer to be visible in interaction. Finally, the translation of the not-verbal communication can be considered a challenge originated in the body senses.
Keywords : nursing; non-verbal communication; preoperative period; sociopoetics.