Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium
CAMARGOS, Anadias Trajano and DIAS, Luciana de Oliveira. Communication: an important instrument for humanizing nursing care in the intensive care unit. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 10 October 2024]. Available from: <> .
This study was elaborated in order to demonstrate the importance of communication as a relevant instrument for humanizing nursing care in an intensive care unit. Our preoccupation resulted from the negligence with which nursing professionals treat communication with patients with a serious or high risk. The research objectives are: knowing the meaning of humanized care from the point of view of the nurses, discussing communication as a factor that influences patient recovery, identifying how the nursing professionals communicate with the patients during the procedures. This is an exploratory and descriptive study by means of a qualitative methodology. Data were collectd through questionnaires with the consent of the partcipants. The research was developed with nurses and nursing assistants. The results show that the nursing professionals seek to use communication as a strategy for humanizing nursing care, talking with the patients and their families to reduce their anxiety caused by the closed, noisy and stressful environment. We suggest that the ICU nursing service trains its professionals about communication for these contents to be able to guarantee a humanized care.
Keywords : humanization; communication; nursing; intensive care.