Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium
NISHIYAMA, Katia, BECCARIA, Lúcia Marinilza and ITTAVO, Josimerci. Nurse's newly admission into an ICU: the importance of an educational program related to their inclusion. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 07 February 2025]. Available from: <> .
It is treated of a descriptive study on the training for male nurses recently admitted in UTI, accomplished in UTIs of a Hospital of Teaching inside São Paulo. They participated in this study 22 nurses, that you/they answered to a questionnaire with open and closed questions, containing identification data, professional experience, attributions developed to the to be admitted, factors that facilitated and that hindered your insert in UTI and your opinion with relationship to a training program for nurses recently admitted. The obtained data were contained and agreements in a quantitative way. In agreement with the discoveries of this study, the subjects were guided for most of the activities that you/they develop UTI close to, considering them satisfactory. The principal factors that facilitated the development of the attributions were: the support of the nursing team and the nurse's orientation; the one that hindered were: the inexperience and the shortage of human resources. As the nurses opinion related: there's a training program for recently-admitted nurses, all agree with his importance to be accomplished for better development of your activities; they believe that it should be accomplished by the nurse of the own unit, in the work place and in class room, in the admission, before beginning in the unit and continually.
Keywords : nursing; ICU; continuum education.