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Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium


MATSUDA, Laura Misue, VICTOR, Ana Cleide Soares, MARTINEZ EVORA, Yolanda Dora et al. The verbal communication of the nursing staff from an adult intensive care unit during the visiting process: the visitors' perspective. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 05 November 2024]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000052002000100043&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

The present study investigated the content and the form of the verbal communication realized by the nursing team of an Adult Intensive Care Unit, according to the perceptions of 25 visitors. The results pointed out that the large majority of the supplied information concerns the hygiene procedures and norms/routines for making the visit, such as: washing hands, apron use, visiting hours, number of people allowed and time of permanence in the unit. 17 respondents affirmed that before the visit, they would like to receive information from the nursing staff regarding the patient’s general condition and 3 respondents about how they ought to behave in the presence of the patient. Moreover, 19 mentioned that they understood everything. 23, that they never received any written information/orientation and 25 (100%) affirmed that they never received any incentive for providing feedback to what was communicated. Although 5 respondents mention that they did not receive any information before the visit and that no verbal communication occurred during by the entire process, 9 respondents did not make any suggestion for improvement. The results show, in the studied unit, that the nursing professionals need to use verbal communication with the visitors in a more effective way.

Keywords : verbal communication; nursing; visitors.

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