Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium
MATUMOTO, Silvia, MISHIMA, Silvana Martins and FORTUNA, Cinira Magali. Welcoming reception: a reflection on alterity in the relation among workers and clients in the work of the basic health network. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 11 December 2024]. Available from: <> .
In this paper, we propose a reflection on the alterity present in the welcoming reception relation. The welcoming reception consists in the relationship worker-client, during the production process of health actions. This encounter happens in the interceding space where the micropolitics of live health work is processed (MERHY, 1997) which is done through the relation with others, a dialogue, language and actions. In this reflection about the alterity in the worker-client relation, we use some theoretical concepts that underlie the French line in discourse analysis. The analysis of the linguistic tokens reveals the positions assumed by the discourse subjects - symmetry and assymmetry - and their movements - reversibility - as well as the meaning of this same discourse. The analysis of the discourse produced in the worker-client encounter may be used as a trigger for processes that aim at conscientization of the workers with respect to their position in the relation and at sensibilization towards the need for changing the way of realizing health services.
Keywords : work process in health; alterity; communication.