Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium
CAMPOS, Luciana de Freitas and MELO, Marcia Regina Antonietto da Costa. Challenges of administrative communication in nursing. In Proceedings of the 8. Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium, 2002, San Pablo (SP, Brazil) [online]. 2002 [cited 10 September 2024]. Available from: <> .
Considering the need for administrative communication in the nursing context, this work aimed at identifying what has been produced in the nursing area concerning administrative communication by consulting the PROCEEDINGS of Simpósio Brasileiro de Comunicação em Enfermagem (Brazilian Symposium on Nursing Communication) and the Theses and Dissertations Catalog System of the College of Nursing at Ribeirão Preto -University of São Paulo (EERP-USP). Only one specific study on the theme was found in the Catalog System of the Glete de Ancântara Reading Room of the EERP-USP, which dealt with written administrative communication in nursing. Aspects related to this theme were found and categorized. This theme comprises a large area for investigation.
Keywords : communication; administration; nursing.