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Simpósio Internacional do Adolescente


MARQUES, Cristianne Spirandeli, GOULART, Daniela Rodrigues, LACERDA, Nilza Inácio et al. "Um outro mundo é possível?" Algumas reflexões analíticas sobre os adolescentes, seus cuidadores e o mundo em que vivemos. In Proceedings of the 1th Simpósio Internacional do Adolescente, 2005, São Paulo (SP) [online]. 2005 [cited 19 January 2025]. Available from: <http://www.proceedings.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=MSC0000000082005000200046&lng=en&nrm=iso> .

Reflecting the affirmative proposed for the global social Forum that another world is essential and necessary, the writers in this work lookint for to reflect about the production of limit form of care experienced with teenagers in actuallity. The world - not another - but that where we live on supremacy of immediate communication, arise effecting relation in school and clinic, deserving our attention. So, we look for anlytical hearing suggested for Psychoanalysis to the teacher’s speech in school and a psychotherapeutic in clinic, refleting the affective communication with teenagers. The speech showed that immediate communication through the publicity that hypo and hyper support, make clear in school the information-student and in the clinic the maker- student. Both the effects created for the teenagers relations showed a fragmentary form in the apprenticeship relation and in the clinic speech, under the immediate knowledge control conscious to the advantage of the insensible and desiring person.

Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Instruction; Adolescence; Globalization.

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